Featured Content: Journal covers in 2023

Our articles were featured on the front cover of 3 journals in 2023. It was a fun and creative process to design these journal covers with our talented illustrators at KAUST. 🎨 All articles are open access. Open_Access_logo small

Magical mushrooms turn membranes green! 🍄 The increasing demand for effective oil–water separation materials has encouraged the exploration of sustainable and ecofriendly solutions. We investigated the surface engineering of a superamphiphilic, self-growing fibrous Janus membranes derived from mycelium. Check our the article and the KAUST Discovery story if you want to look behind the scenes.cover small

Carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membranes, fabricated via pyrolysis, are attracting attention owing to their stability under harsh environments, including high temperatures, organic media, and extreme pH. We demonstrated nanodomain control in CMS membranes via nanomaterial footprinting using different fullerenols. 🔥 Congrats, Rifan and Mahmoud! Read the open access article!

Small Science cover

Check out our article on explainable machine learning for unraveling solvent effects in polyimide organic solvent nanofiltration membranes published in Advanced Membranes. 🤖 The back cover can be found here. Our approach helps understand and visualize the underlying effects of atoms and functional groups altering the rejection. Congratulations to Gergo and Nawader!

ADVMEM-Vol.3 Cover small

Image credit: Ivan Gromicho, Ana Bigio, Hassan A. Tahini @KAUST

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